Come back in time with us and experience a true medieval festival. A day at the castle is a perfect opportunity for you and your team to experience everything as it once was. Well-dressed staff, jugglers and fencing performances ... The gastronomic experience is enhanced by period dining and a selection of traditional dishes. We can tailor the corporate event according to your wishes for a group of up to 1500 guests!


You can look forward to a rich program - entertaining, educational and contemporary habitats, bow shooting, obstacle course in knight armor or fencing duel. Also included are examples of period crafts that you will be able to try, such as blacksmithing, tannery, coinage, cutlery, embroidery, glassmaking and many more. Of course there is a commented example of the castle and performances of swordsmen, demonstrations of birds of prey and talk falconer accompanied by a period band.


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Corporate event at the castle

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+420 752 624 523

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