The location of Bohemian Paradise is one of the most inspiring regions in the country. Composers, philosophers, poets, writers and, in the last 80 years, filmmakers have found ideas for their work here since ancient times. And it is the silver screen in connection with the landscape of Bohemian Paradise that is the focus of our film teambuilding in Bohemian Paradise, based at the Hrubá Skála Chateau.


The main guideline of the programme "Movie teambuilding in the Czech Paradise" is the film by Alena Poledňáková How to Get Dad Into Reform School (Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny), which was filmed in the Hruboskalsko area, the ponds Věžák and Vidlák and the lively open-air museum Vesec near Sobotka.

The proposed teambuilding activities or corporate events are directed towards a common team experience enhanced by the beautiful nature of Hruboskalsko, Bohemian Paradise and underlined by team activity, joint planning and light physical exercise in the form of, for example, a "cycling trip".

Popular team building activities and places in the Bohemian Paradise

  • Rock town Hruboskalsko - rock climbing and rappelling, construction of a tower from boxes
  • Vidlák pond - water slalom on paddle boards and mega board races (a giant paddleboard for 8 people)
  • Team tasks "problemsolvings" in the rocks under the castle Hrubá Skála 
  • Orientation strategies with tablets and interactive thematic quiz
  • Cycling trips / e-cycling trip
  • Interactive quiz during outdoor activities
  • Evening entertainment 
  • Team art workshop or emotional team drumming right in the courtyard of the Hrubá Skála chateau
  • Photo workshop - ideal for spring or autumn


Forget about everyday problems and enter the magical world of teambuilding in the heart of Bohemian Paradise! Among high cliffs, ancient forests and mysterious rock towns, form an alliance that will overcome all challenges. 

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Teambuilding in Bohemian Paradise

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+420 730 874 555

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